Not Peace, but a Sword

At Christmas we sing of “Peace on Earth, and Good will toward all men”  as we sing and think of the lyrics to some of he Christmas hymns we get lulled into the belief that part of Jesus purpose was to bring peace to the earth.  As we face adversity in life, persecution for our faith or sharing the Gospel many will stop sharing and question why the persecution.

Of course for most believers in the western world they have face little persecution because they have only shared the gospel a few times or the greatest level of resistance they have faced is a closed door or cold shoulder.

As Jesus finished giving instructions to his disciples before sending them out the share the news of the kingdom he gave a second warning.  This warning was a little stronger than the first.  In verse 34 he clearly states that he did not come to earth to bring “peace” but to bring a “sword”.  An instrument of hand to hand, close combat.  The weapon of choice for personal protection in Jesus day.

The enemy was not from opposing religious groups, opposing ethnic groups or far away countries.  The enemy would be in the homes and families of believers.  Fathers against children, children against parents, mother in laws against spouses of their children.  The swords would be drawn by those closest to the believers.

Families today can hinder and battle against the work a believer is called to do.  Family members will have concern and request their children or parents not to follow the call to foreign lands, claiming a fear of personal safety for the believer.  Family members will discourage believers from leaving the security of secular employment to follow the call of God into ministry.  Family members will encourage the believer to put family ties above their relationship with God.

Jesus tells his disciples in verses 38 and 39 of Matthew 10 that believers must put him above family, and ” 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” (ESV)  This phrase is repeated in the Gospels by Jesus and was probably repeated by him to his disciples often.

Most of the teaching we receive about following Jesus centers on keeping the commandments and we will be blessed.  Jesus emphasizes losing our life for him.  Following him at all cost, even the cost of family members becoming enemies.  This message should make most believers uncomfortable and cause each one to question how much they love Jesus.

When a person in Jesus day took up their cross they had been sentenced to die on the cross.  They took up the cross to walk to the place of crucifixion.  For all practical purposes the person was dead to family and friends when they took up the cross.  Jesus tells his believers to take up their cross in Matthew 10:38.  Take up your cross and follow Jesus today.

Have no Fear

People have many fears and phobias in life.  One of the most common fears is “arachnophobia” the fear of spiders.  Some refuse to travel by air due to “aviophobia” the fear of flying.  The list of phobias runs long and there are many common and uncommon fears.  Most phobias are more psychological and the thing or things feared presents limited real danger to the person.  However, in their mind the fear is very real and causes anxiety and stress sometimes even symptoms of illness.  Many Christians and churches suffer from “tropophobia” the fear of moving or making changes.  Another fear is “glossophobia” or the fear of speaking.  For some this is manifest as a fear of public speaking, for others it is a fear of speaking in general.

Jesus instructs his disciples in Matthew 10:26 “So have no fear of them…”  He tells them not to fear those who will persecute and bring them to trial for speaking in his name.  The disciples had reason to fear them.  They would persecute them, beat them and even put many of them to death.  History records that the Apostles died martyrs deaths because of their witness for Jesus, and Jesus is telling them “not to fear.”

In verse 27 Jesus instructs his disciples to proclaim what he has taught them.  To declare from the rooftops, to boldly share the message of the kingdom.  His message is for sharing in the light and on the rooftops.  The equivalent of the porches in the western world.

“And do not fear those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can kill both body and soul in hell.” (Matthew 10:28)  Jesus message to his disciples is one of eternity.  He goes on and describes how the father watches over all of his created beings.  Death never occurs without the father watching.  The only death his followers are to fear is the death of the soul which occurs when separated from God throughout eternity.

in light of the words of Jesus most of the common fears and phobias hold little weight in life.  Most fears and phobias are not founded in real danger.  Jesus tells his disciples not to fear death in order to share the message of the kingdom.

Consider the fear keeping most believers today from sharing the message of the kingdom.  Fear of speaking, fear of rejection, fear of ridicule, fear of not being accepted.  Now compare the consequences of the fear and being separated from God throughout eternity and the resulting death of the soul.

Share the message of the kingdom of God without fear!