Sheep without a Shepherd

Who or what is the shepherd of your life?  Do you know anyone who does not have the right shepherd in their life?

Rick Warren writes that we all have drivers in our life.  We are driven by something.  Some are driven by money, power, relationships, things and some have practically no drive.  As Jesus went about the region of Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom he noticed the multitude of of the people were “…harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36.  The multitude who lived in the region in Jesus day were harassed and helpless in many ways.  The lived in subjection to an occupation government.  Taxes were high.  People lived in constant fear of persecution.  They worked to provide food and shelter for their families and the circumstances of the days gave most people little hope.

Jesus was a man of compassion.  He had compassion on the crowds when he saw they were harassed and helpless.  He used his power of healing to help those who had physical issues and illnesses.  But, his primary message was to share the good news (Gospel) about the Kingdom.  Believers should have compassion and share the gospel of the Kingdom with others.

Today we do not see ourselves as being harassed and helpless in the same sense of the people of Galilee in Jesus day.  I would submit that many people today may not be harassed and helpless, but many are following the wrong shepherd.  Families and individuals both inside and outside the church should consider their shepherd.  Children and children’s sports/activities have become the shepherd of many families.  The entire schedule of the family is centered around the activities of the child.  Some are shepherded by their work or career.  Their life and their identity are based on what they do for a living.  And the list goes on.

The Shepherd Jesus refers to is the only shepherd we should be following, the shepherd of the Holy Spirit.  If a persons priority in life is anything other than God then they are following the wrong shepherd.

This passage closes with Jesus telling his disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest.  Pray that the Lord will send workers.  Christians and churches usually pray with a list of requests and needs.  Scripture does encourage Christians to pray for needs and health issues.  But the real purpose of prayer is to bring the believer to the plans of God not to request God to fulfill our plan.  If believers would pray for the Lord to send workers to specific lost souls, souls without a shepherd.  The Lord will send the worker.  Some may even find they are the worker the Lord is sending to the lost soul.

Ask yourself where you need to show compassion, share the message of Christ and pray for those in your circle of influence who do not have Christ as their shepherd.

Matthew 9:35-38

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